AGORA: Guidelines of Use and Privacy Policy

Agora: Guidelines of Use and Privacy Policy

About Agora

Agora is an interactive online platform used by Canberra Girls Grammar School staff and students.

As an Intranet for the CGGS community, Agora’s primary functions are to provide:

  • a platform on which to publish and share information relevant to the School community (School news, events and programs)
  • an interactive space for teachers to share subject, unit and class information with students
  • a ‘staff hub’ for staff collaboration and information dissemination
  • access to School systems and platforms from one centralised location.

Information about the School’s Academic, Co-curricular and Pastoral Care Programs, in addition to administrative information, is also published on Agora to support the smooth daily operation of the School.

Accessing and using Agora

Agora is only accessible to School staff and students, who are required to login to access the portal. Staff and students are not permitted to share their login details, allow someone outside the School community to access the portal or to login using someone else’s credentials.

As a CGGS platform, the access and use of Agora is subject to adherence to all relevant School policies, including:

  • Acceptable Use of the Network Policy (Employees)
  • Acceptable Use of the Network Policy (Students)
  • Code of Conduct
  • Copyright and Intellectual Property Policy
  • Photography and Filming Policy
  • Privacy Policy
  • Style Manual (incorporating Writing Style Guide).

These policies underpin staff and student access to, and use of, all School systems and platforms, including Agora.  

A synopsis of important information contained within these policies, as applicable to the use of Agora, is outlined below. Please note, this list is not exhaustive; for detailed information about particular topics, please view relevant policies in their entirety.

Guidelines for staff and student on the use of Agora

As with all School-provided platforms, staff and students are expected to act in a professional manner while accessing and using Agora.

Please be authentic, transparent and thoughtful when interacting with others on Agora, respecting the purpose of the community where you are sharing content.  

The information below provides general guidelines for sharing content and interacting with other members of the CGGS community on Agora. To ensure content shared on Agora aligns with the School’s style and writing guidelines, please view the Style Manual (incorporating Writing Style Guide).

If you have any queries about this information, please contact The Communications Team.

Consent to share images and recordings

  • Do not share images or recordings of any person without their consent
  • Please verify student consent by contacting C&E, who maintain an up-to-date list of student consent. Please note: verbal consent from a student is not sufficient when sharing an image or recording in which they are identifiable
  • As a rule, avoid sharing identifiable images of students on the platform unless necessary
  • If you are posting an image or recording of an identifiable staff member, please obtain their consent prior to sharing this content on Agora

Please review the School’s Photography and Filming Policy for detailed information on capturing and sharing images and recordings.

Sharing of confidential information

  • The School encourages all in its community to use appropriate professionalism and always respect the rights and confidentiality of others before sharing content on any online forum
  • Confidential information—any information that is not publicly available—must not be disclosed on Agora
  • Use good ethical judgement and follow the School’s policies and the law when sharing information on the platform

Please review the Privacy Policy for further information about maintaining the confidentiality of others in the School community.

Accuracy and transparency of information

  • Make sure that you verify all facts before you share any content on Agora
  • If you make an error, correct it quickly
  • Cite and hyperlink to your sources. This is an essential component of maintaining academic integrity
  • Any post or image you put on the Internet should always be considered public—posts and associated comments can be forwarded, copied or captured via a screenshot
  • Therefore, please consider whether content is appropriate for this forum prior to sharing it online. If you have any doubts, do not post to the forum. As a guideline, do not post anything that you would not want News to publish
  • Never intimidate, abuse, threaten, harass or engage in behaviour that will reflect negatively on your reputation or the School’s reputation. This behaviour is unacceptable and will not be tolerated by the School

The staff member or student who publishes content is responsible for ensuring it is appropriate, and not in breach of School policies and procedures. The School reserves the right to remove any content deemed offensive, inappropriate or irrelevant to the life and activities of the School. Further action may be taken, as appropriate and relevant to the individual circumstances of the breach of School policy.

If you believe content shared on the platform breaches a School policy or procedure, please take time to report this.